George Bray

Playing age: 25-35

Accent: Australian, American, Estuary, Liverpool, London, Neutral, Newcastle, Northern, R.P., Scottish, Yorkshire

Style: Conversational, Friendly, Gravitas, Natural, Trustworthy

Categories: ADR, Ads, Animation, Audiobook, Corporate, Dubbing, ELT, Games, Narration

Language: English


  • Native Accent: Teesside
  • Training: Urdang Academy

Natural and grounded, George's voice exudes a natural magnetism that captivates listeners. His versatility shines through as he seamlessly transitions from embodying the relatable everyman to a downtrodden soldier to a sinister villain, delivering each role with care and authenticity.

An accomplished singer, George was an original cast member of Choir of Man and most recently featured in the West End's Crazy For You. Highly skilled at comedy, music and dance, his ingrained musicality brings a fresh perspective to storytelling.

Outstanding Quality Voices
Office - 07366 142572
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