Elizabeth Bouckley

Playing age: 18-25, 25-35

Accent: American, Irish, London, R.P., Yorkshire

Style: Bright, Clear, Fresh, Rich, Warm

Categories: ADR, Ads, Animation, Audiobook, Corporate, Dubbing, ELT, Games, Narration

Language: English


  • Native Accent: RP
  • Home Studio
  • Training: Royal Conservatoire Scotland

Assured, with a contemporary feel, Elizabeth brings a youthful edge that cuts through to the heart of any project. She speaks with a cool, confident authority that would be perfect for commercial and corporate projects.

Elizabeth too has a great ear for accents and, coupled with a keen sense of comedy, her talents can easily be brought to life in video games, dramas and ADR.

Outstanding Quality Voices
Office - 07366 142572
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