Dorje Swallow

Playing age: 25-35, 35-45

Accent: Australian, American, Estuary, London, Neutral, R.P.

Style: Characters, Confident, Deep, Rich, Smooth, Trustworthy

Categories: ADR, Ads, Animation, Audiobook, Corporate, Dubbing, ELT, Games, Narration

Language: English


  • Native Accent: Australia

Bright and cheerful or strong and considered … Dorje is a true, authentically versatile award-winning voice actor. With over 25 years experience in the industry, he has established himself as one of the premier voice artists in Australia.

From the small screen in ‘Home & Away’ and ‘Gangs of Oz’, to the silver screen in ‘The Tail Job’ and ‘Spin Out’, Dorje is rarely out of work. Not only have some of the world’s most prestigious brands taken loan of his voice, but some of the most prestigious stars—being a vocal stand-in for Hollywood elites Jim Sturgess and Justin Timberlake.

With flawless U.S and U.K accents, Dorje is an easy, award-winning choice for all manner of projects.

Outstanding Quality Voices
Office - 07366 142572
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