Alexandra Boulton

Playing age: Kids, Teenage, 18-25, 25-35

Accent: Australian, American, London, Neutral, R.P., Turkish, West Country

Style: Bright, Clear, Rich, Versatile, Young

Categories: ADR, Ads, Animation, Audiobook, Corporate, Dubbing, ELT, Games, Narration

Language: French, Mandarin


  • Native Accent: American, French, RP, Turkish
  • Home Studio
  • Training: Jacques Le Coq

Soft and melodic, Alexandra has a youthful tone and naturalistic delivery. A multi-national, her voice bends effortlessly from one accent to the next, all utterly believable and with a characterful bite.

Fluent in French and Mandarin, highly skilled from singing to pilates, and with a career that includes interpreting, journalism and even cow-milking (!), Alexandra has an endless list of real-life experience to draw upon.

Outstanding Quality Voices
Office - 07366 142572
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